Monday, January 01, 2007


djbarney said...

Thanks Ms .T !

I'm still trying to get proper print
out's of these articles for my portfolio.
I have to go
to my local printer and get him to
download and convert for a quality
print out...there are some annoying
technicalities with printing web pages.

Bogle Eye..the Himalayan Cat...say's
Meouw :-P


Sounder said...

Nice blog, djbarney, stay strong.

This paragraph from a new essay by Paul Levy relates well to writing on my blogspot..

Triggered by Evil

"As we become more deeply acquainted with the evil within us, it is discovered to be a potential catalyst for the growth and expansion of consciousness, which is to say that evil ultimately serves the good. Jung recognized that whenever evil appeared in an individual person's process, some deeper good always came out of the experience that would not have emerged without the manifestation of evil. Could the same thing be true on a collective scale? To quote Jung, "we assiduously avoid investigating whether in this very power of evil God might not have placed some special purpose which it is most important for us to know." We would not have had an expansion of consciousness if it weren't for the emergence of evil and our struggles with it. In Goethe's masterpiece "Faust," Faust asks Mephistopheles (who represents the Devil) who he is, and Mephistopheles replies that he is "part of that force which would do evil, yet forever works the good." In coming to terms with evil, evil is recognized to play a key role in the divine mystery of the Incarnation (of God) through humanity."

Thank-you for your time.

djbarney said...

Thanks :-D

Your point...

It has a name.

It's called Taoism.

The Chinese Sages already DID the

Western society INSISTS on re-inventing
the wheel...over and over!

"My wheel turns better than yours".

"My wheel is more round".

As far as I understand it all they were
concerned with was (is?) making
a fairly stable society...A society
where you can bring up your children
without constant disruptions.

The esoterisism and "wierd stuff"
is only necessary to maintain that
BALANCE (from the sages point of view). To the "average man" that kind
of "stuff" is irrelevant.

You see, it's all so a couple of
kids can play in a field, in the PEACE.

They need know nothing of the
difficult job of The Sage (unless
it becomes their calling).
